Mewing Tutorial. Behavior [edit | edit source] A Stacy sees no need for intelligence or understanding because she has always been able to beat Becky in securing ChadAnd so her neurones rarely “connect” or react except to stimuli of things that will enhance her charms and raise her SMVThis is the woman who after she’s given a choice between two guys chooses the guy.
Which could see you drastically reduce TP moves from NMs and all but eliminate them with regular Mewing Lullabys from a SMN However that does mean you will be locked out of Ambuscade some months though as a MNK Which also for whatever reasons of prevailing ignorance is very underrated compared to shiny schlongswinging jobs like SAM or DRK.
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A chadlite or “low tier Chad” is a “8” on the decile scaleHe is one decile above the hightier normieChadlites are often the bare minimum a Becky accepts as a partner these days and are seen as a “backup plan” in case a Stacy can’t find a suitable Chad at a given moment This is especially true if a Stacy has been dumped by one of her Chad’s.