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Wellington cultivated the persona of the stoic gentleman warrior an iron will of perfection fair to all but intolerant of sloppiness Grant cultivated the image of being “one of the boys” surrounding himself with hometown friends spurring his men by honestly showing them his hangdog vulnerability and by relying on his men’s belief in the justice of the Union cause they.
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The Man in the Iron Mask (French L’Homme au Masque de Fer c 1640/1658? – 19 November 1703) was an unidentified prisoner who was arrested in 1669 or 1670 and subsequently held in a number of French prisons including the Bastille and the Fortress of Pignerol (modern Pinerolo Italy) Known for remaining unidentified due to the veil worn over his face throughout his time.
Man in the Iron Mask Wikipedia
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Man in the Iron Mask (disambiguation) Wikipedia
Dari situ banyak warganet yang kemudian mendoakan agar Sunan Kalijaga dan Doddy Sudrajat segera bertemu sosok yang dimaksud “Semoga cpt brtmu ya pak doddy dgn yg pakai topeng biar tentram duniaaa ini” tulis @nnisachair “sy doakan smga bisa bertemu spt yg diharapkan” timpal @rinalestari22 “Semoga cepet ketemu pak dgn wajah dibalik topeng.